If you were on Twitter* on World Book Day you might have caught sight of the cover design for The Wolf-Finder General, hiding out among the author-quotes, sale advertisements, and pictures of people's adorable children dressed as characters that almost certainly appeared in some book** somewhere.
If you weren't, or if you happened to blink for a moment, this will all be news to you.
So, for that portion of the population that wasn't around for the twelfth of a second in which this image was available I present: The Wolf-Finder General cover, by Inky Willis.
Isn't it gorgeous?
Dora, of course, is there again; but who the dog is, and what part he plays in the story, you'll just have to wait and find out.
Soon now, I promise: very soon.
*I know, but I refuse to call it X.
Or update my app, for that matter.
Twitter it shall remain until the app stops working. At which point I will probably hurl the whole thing into the sea.
**I honestly like the whole dressing-up-as-a-book thing. I just have some awkward thoughts about student equity and where and how the whole costume production process should be achieved.
The photos are always sweet, though.