It has taken a lot longer than I intended* but my new book is finally here!
Nothing to do with the Vicar Man series: You Are Dead! is an adventure game book** Specifically an isekai adventure game. If you know what isekai is, then you've probably already guessed that this game involves reincarnating in another world.
And you're quite right!
In You Are Dead! your character dies tragically, only to be reborn in a new world, with a new identity and new challenges which will almost certainly result in their dying tragically — only to be reborn in a new world with a new identity get the idea.
Villain, princess, superhero or monster: you can be them all and many more besides.
If you love reincarnation isekai, you'll find every trope lovingly recreated or even more lovingly inverted***; if you've never even heard of isekai before, then you'll find a series of adventures, each more ridiculous than the last, with an underlying plot that — well, that I can't explain until you read it, but let's just say that everything will be fine just as long as you keep dying****.
And if you just need an emergency present for someone, then this is a mighty tome of ridiculous proportions, likely to keep even the most voracious reader busy throughout the longest of family gatherings.
You Are Dead! is a book for anyone with a taste for humour — as long as they can stomach a few gruesome deaths along the way, and is available in ridiculously hefty paperback, or significantly more portable ebook form***** from Amazon.
*I'll explain in a future blog, but at this point it's probably going to have to wait till January. set your calendars for November next year?
**You know: one of those books where you get to the end of the paragraph and have to decide whether to try to break down the door, or turn round and ask the charming gentleman with the battleaxe if he perhaps knows where the key is.
And then frantically backpedal through the pages when the charming gentleman cuts your head off.
Although that part may be less of a problem here.
***It's me. Guess which is more likely?
****This only works in books. Do not attempt it in real life. Please.
*****Where "More portable" means: "Less practical for use a blunt instrument, but only slightly because ye gods the paperback is heavy." And also: "Perfect for putting on that new e-reader you just bought." After all, there's nothing worse than getting a brand new electronic reading device, and not having anything to read on it. You should probably add some books. If you don't like this one, I recommend Natalie Haynes' Divine Might. It's on sale at the moment. But you should really buy this one too.