As is by now traditional, the story I have for you this year is not the story I had planned to write. That one will have to wait on the shelf, beside all the other stories that I've put aside to wait until the time is right. And when the time is right, no doubt, the stars will align, and huge, horrible, gribbly monsters will arrive from beyond the Who Knows Where, to devour us all before you have a chance to read them. In the meantime, you might care to read Dora's, or rather Dora's Gammer's, recipe for Midwinter Pie. It can be downloaded
Or read in its entirety
You can, in fact, get an actual pie out of these instructions, but given the general lack of practical weights and measures, you're probably better off hunting the internet for something similar. I might tell you my own recipe, some day. Whatever you celebrate, I hope it's a good one.